- The First Connections -
Dear reader,
Thank you kindly for stumbling upon this site! It may not seem it to you, but these next 10 (or so) pages will take you through my personal passion project for the past decade of my life.
I refer to them personally as "Year End Compilations", but you can think of them as a sort of music time-capsule that is created each year with particular restrictions.
I don't remember the exact reason why I started this project, but for 10 years now, these musical compilations have served as time capsules of my life.
The original intent was simply to take an accurate snapshot of what music was important to me on any particular year - but they've become a lot more than that.
It may not seem it to you, but I get incredibly emotional about this project. My life has changed a lot over the last 10 years and these little "albums" remain as unwavering projects of dedication amongst it all.
There are many personal memories connected to a lot of this music, and also to some of this artwork, as you'll soon read.
I won't go into everything here, as it's impossible to remember everything; human memory being the way that it is, but on this night and for as long as this project takes I shall do my best to recall for your sake, dear reader.
Each year has a dedicated page, but will have consistent elements.
Each page will have the cover art image at the top of screen, lyrical showcases from various songs on the record, and in some cases, such as this year, some bonus images. I will also talk about each song specifically as best as I can and why I included it.
Please enjoy! And thank you ever so kindly for taking time out of your life to look at this project, in whatever capacity you do so.
I hope that this project inspires and if you start doing the same thing - please share it with me! I would love to see the kind of work that others put into similar projects.
Over time I have expended some amount of leniency on this project as it has progressed, but in general, each compilation will:
Keeping a set of rules has allowed me to keep this project within a manageable scope, and also the arbitrary limitation on 90 minutes has caused me to seriously consider the music that makes it into these, which I consider a net positive.
I do afford some leniency on the 90 minute rule specifically because sometimes you love a 8-10 minute song and so the record becomes 100 minutes and you just gotta deal with it.
For every compilation year I've made a youtube list that you can listen to. While I do have a spotify, it's not a service I want to actively encourage.
Click the image of the cover art at the top of each page to be taken to the youtube playlist!
For any songs that aren't on youtube I will try to offer an alternative link for them in this box.
This message will appear on every page.
2015 in particular is a special year, naturally, being the first entry in the series.
Lots of the music on this particular entry doesn't excite me much anymore, but I find myself feeling
that for that reason it's a good reason I started this project at the time that I did.
All of the years after this one I think have music that more closely aligns with what I've carried forward with me in terms of my musical tastes, but 2015 serves as a pivotal year where I started to change my tastes - totally unintentionally.
Thinking back on what my life was like at this point is hard - I hardly have any memories or photos left from this time.
I would have been 18 years old at the time. I do remember feeling that time dilation was starting to really have an effect on how I was perceiving time around me and so I hoped to capture a little bit of that with a project like this.
From the inception of this project I set out to have a few (somewhat) strict rules for how these compilations would be created.
90 Minutes was to be the hard limit, this number was chosen for 2 reasons. The first is that this is the typical format of time that fit on a writable CD, and also what would fit on a typical double sided cassette tape.
The second reason was to get me to think a little bit about what stuff would make it onto these capsules instead of just being a gigantic pile of things that i liked throughout the year. Listening to a lot of music was making it hard to narrow things down.
I've more or less stuck to that - I've made some exceptions a few years due to tracks that I really wanted to remember being overly long.
I was originally recording these onto cassettes and CDs for prosperity reasons, but I've sort of fallen off of this habit at the time of writing. Equipment for this sort of thing is getting harder and harder to come by in 2024.
Something else that's interesting about this entry is I didn't think about the tracklist layout
at all for the first 5 or so years making these.
These days I fuss over the tracklist and positioning of songs in the flow of the record obsessively for many months before finalizing it. I'll probably write more about that for another years blurb.
Now a bit about the music - Porter Robinson has been a mainstay true #1 favourite of mine, and that's evident right from the beginning of the history of this project, with Divinity being the entry track.
Didn't really understand the significance of that when I set this up all those years ago. This really has become a gigantic passion project for me.
Also if it was not clear by this point, I really like Hatsune Miku and I obviously very much liked her in 2015, too.
The story of why I like miku so much is abbreviated to: "because I fell in love with someone who loved Miku and I needed a shared conversational topic."
Who remembers mid 2010s soundcloud future bass!?
Maybe that's all I have to say about this year.
01. Divinity - Porter Robinson
This is such quintessential song in my life that I can't even imagine it not existing. It's become a staple in so many ways. I spun this one all the time when Worlds first came out, which was the year prior in 2014.
Always and forever will love this one, perfect album opener and I think it's a pretty significant decision for this project to have this particular porter song the thing that opens the entire project. Never knew how much that would mean to me when I did that.
02. The Thrill (Porter Robinson Remix) - Nero
I remember this one coming on when I was watching a world live performance, the Coachella one that he debuted it at, and being blown away. To this day I really love full stops in music and it always reminds me of this one.
And it's impossible to say, why I always feel this way.
03. Atlantica - Skywide
I try to make a habit out of digging around soundcloud and bandcamp for indie music that I like via slouthing out various tags and following recommendations. Pretty sure this is the earliest example of me finding a song in this way.
Skywide does not go by this alias anymore, not sure how to find them since this song was pretty obscure. I've always loved the sort of ocean sounds and the way that they chop up yume no hajime ring ring to build a fun melody.
Skywide if you're reading this in 2024 - this track is still super dope!
04. Cheap Sunglasses (Feat. Matthew Koma) - RAC
I don't really know how I found this record in the first place, but RAC created a really fun set of pop records and my partner and I used to belt this one out in the car all the time
There's not much to say about this one besides that, I still really like it!
05. カラノワレモノ - Hitorie
Rest in peace, Hitorie. (aka Wowaka)
Wowaka was the lead artist of Japanese rock ground "Hitorie:, who is still around as a group, having made for themselves and choosing to continue on after Wowaka's death.
That being said, Wowaka and the rest of the band is nothing short of extremely influential for me, and now listening to anything by them is bittersweet.
Wowaka made a lot of extremely popular Vocaloid music as well, culminating in a record called "Unhappy Refrain", which holds many iconic songs such as Rolling Girl, Worlds End Dancehall, and of course - Unhappy Refrain itself.
I will forever and always love everything that the Hitorie and Wowaka projects produced while Wowaka themselves were still alive. Amazing music and I binged a lot of their music a lot in 2015 when I was in college on my FiiO X3 music player.
06. Submarine - Hiroyuki ODA
While on the topic of Vocaloid stuff, Hiroyuki ODA's solo project I found via being "pipelined" from their Vocaloid project, short-formed to HSP.
Not a whole lot to say about this one other than the entire record this song comes from, titled "thirty" is a very good trance record with memorable melody lines from beginning to end. Still love Hiroyui ODAs musical and visual works.
07. One by One - AdyS
This track is one hardly anyone knows about, if online stats are to be believed. AdyS released this song on a record called "So What" under an English Vocaloid label that was somewhat known at this time.
I still really love this albums style. They used Vocaloids that weren't super popular at the time, and I felt that they blended rock and dnb/electro styles very well. A trend that I still enjoy to this day!,
08. そろばん♡De♥ビッグバン - ココ, ななひら
Liking Denpa in my late twenties is a lot less cool than it was at 17.
09. Feel My Consious - Camellia
I used to play a lot of Beatmania IIDX and BMS during my late teens and early twenties. Camelia has a really cool technical style that lends itself to rhythm-game type music a lot.
I honestly cannot recall how I found this track but I do still like this era of Camellia music, lots of fun switch ups. I especially like the "taking her back under order" switchup where it gets kind of acidy.
Pretty sure I found this one via Osu?
Gotta respect the grind from Camellia. Great technical tracks even 10 years ago.
10. Seeya - Deadmau5
I recall the album that this song was on being very out of left field for Mau5.
The driving beat it has is still a pleasure to listen along to, though I admittetly haven't listened to this album at all since probably 2015.
11. Yume no Hajime Ring Ring - Kyaryu Pamyu Pamyu
This is an interesting track to be included because I do remember liking this song a lot, but this isn't the type of music I've listened to at all since then.
I appreciate kyaryu's attention to the cutesy art style but this sort of thing doesn't resonate with me anymore though.
This sort of reason is why I appreciate this project, though - it's nice to remember songs that I don't end up sticking with. Reminds me of a different time.
12. Night Sky - USAO
IIDX Pendulum was big the version of the game that was out at the time - and this was definitely one of my favourites, the other one is featured in a few tracks.
I was never really able to pass a USAO song on ANOTHER difficulty in IIDX, they were always way too hard.
I don't listen to much dubstep anymore but I do like this songs style. I really love being reminded of IIDX, it's a game I really loved but just don't have the time for anymore. Also I want to avoid speedrunning carpal tunnel.
13. Home - Madeon
This song is super beautiful, definitely a song that has stuck around for me. Further importance has been added to this track for me since in 2016 I saw Shelter Live in Toronto, and the live rendition of this song was a highlight of the show for me.
Growing old with someone, heartbreak, and love are all things that I really enjoy in stories and lyrics so this song struck a particular chord with me back then, and it continues to resonate today as well.
I'd rather give up, and be, happy.
14. Sticker - Kors K
The IIDX roots are strong here, this song was not in IIDX but Kors K was a favourite of mine, for many of the notable tracks you may know, such as kailua or smoooooch.
This one was on a record they had released solo at the time, very 2015 soundcloud future bassy, good stuff! this particular style of song has REALLY fallen by the wayside and is super indicitivie of a particular moment in time.
Not a favourite still by any means but such a nice time capsule piece.
15. Seafoam (Feat. Seavwaves) - Skywide
This song is off the same record, iirc, that the previously song from Skywide was from in this compilation.
16. Line 4 Ruin - Ryu*
An all time favourite from IIDX for me, across any entry, let alone Pendulum.
The ANOTHER chart for this one was super fun and one of the first 11s I ever cleared.
The melody is a lot of fun, and the chiptune synth in the middle is such a nice switchup on the song and I like how it continues into the final leg of the track.
A IIDX all-timer for sure!
17. 生きたがりの娘 - Hitorie
I want to echo a lot of what I said about the previous Hitorie track featured here, this song is a lot more math-y and closer to Wowaka's personal works than the previous song.
This one is one of the groups best tracks from before Wowaka passed away. The accentuation on the beats from Wowaka's singing and the way it turns into a spoken-word verse that is accentuated on the melody hits and builds into the main chorus is such a perfect song structure.
This whole record is great, you should dig up all of the bands work and give it a listen.
17 & 18. Interlude & Broadcast w/ Shadient - Sakuraburst
This song is another very interesting inclusion - music like this is very much made for a live show setting, something I didn't really appreciate when I first listened to this song.
Loud, glitchy, abrasive music isn't my vibe anymore so this is another good example of a good inclusion in the project from the lens of being music I don't like anymore.
None of the track listing on this compilation was intentional, aside from these two tracks - I do distinctly remember wanting it at the end. It wouldn't be for quite a while that I started worrying about track flow more. On this compilation it's weird!